
FrontVision detects various elements on the road such as vehicles, pedestrians,
lanes, traffic lights, and traffic signs, utilizing the input from the front facing-camera.
It enables users to develop autonomous driving features with different levels of autonomy,
ranging from fundamental ADAS features required by Euro GSR/NCAP regulations
to autonomous driving features of L2/L2+/L3 level above.


FrontVision Lite provides vision perception features tailored for supporting development of essential L0~L1 ADAS features, ensuring compliance with EU GSR, NCAP requirements.

Safety Level

  • L0
  • L1

Supported Application Features

  • FCW

    Forward Collision Warning

  • AEB

    Automatic Emergency Braking

  • LDW

    Lane Departure Warning

  • LKA

    Lane Keeping Assist

  • ISA

    Intelligent Speed Assist

  • HBA

    High Beam Assist


FrontVision Standard supports the development of premium L2 ADAS features by offering perception features with enhanced accruacy and expanded coverage of environmental conditions (ODD, Operational Design Domain).

Safety Level

  • L2

Supported Application Features

  • Lite

    All features included in the Lite variant

  • ACC

    Adaptive Cruise Control

  • HDA

    Highway Driving Assist

  • TJA

    Traffic Jam Assist

  • AFS

    Adaptive Front-lighting System


FrontVision Advanced utilizes high-resolution(8MP) images to provide high accuracy vision perception features over extended distance, enabling L2+ ADAS capabilities.

Safety Level

  • L2+

Supported Application Features

  • Lite

    All features included in the Lite variant

  • ACC

    Adaptive Cruise Control

  • HDA

    Highway Driving Assist

  • TJA

    Traffic Jam Assist

  • AFS

    Adaptive Front-lighting System


FrontVision Immersive features pixel-level object information and distance estimation, empowering users to generate realistic graphics for augemented reality navigation system and to develop a dynamic update system for high-definition maps in autonomous driving applications.

Safety Level

  • L2+

Supported Application Features

  • ARN

    Augmented Reality Navigation

  • DMS

    Dynamic Map Service

Sample Video

  • sample video thumbnail
    3D Perception Object Detection
    / Land Detection & Light Source Recognition
  • sample video thumbnail
    Augmented Reality & Dynamic Map